Chaparral’s President’s Message for February

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by Anton Ovtchinnikov, CCA President

Good day, fellow Chaparralians.

After the holiday season, some people love January because it brings the things to look forward to, new hopes to carry, new goals to achieve, and new resolutions to abandon. Some people dislike it because they dislike the idea of beginning anew, whether is going back to school or work, or just the idea of starting a new year. And even though January always arrives on schedule like a train, we still find that it catches some off guard, and it does not matter if we want to sit back and wait for what the new year brings or want to get a jumping start on things, we better get on board before it departs without us. January was a very good start to February. Paraphrasing Mark Parent, if January is the month of change and new beginnings, February is the month of lasting change and action. January is for dreamers; February is for doers. February is also a border between winter and spring, before the warmth of the spring arrives. We will need to deal with the harshness of winter for just a little longer, so spread some extra warmth and cheer during this last month of winter. Challenge yourself to be kinder, be more understanding towards others and yourself, and practice charity, love, and happiness to people around you.

A while back, I had read an article on beating the February Blues. It talked about a few things that can be done to help. Try some or all of these during February if you prone to the blues:

  1. Exercise, even if you have to coerce yourself
  2. Cut down on alcohol intake. Sparkling water is the thing
  3. Try to skip the upsetting news stories. I know with the age of social media, it is pretty tough, but it’s worth a try.
  4. Take vitamin D and B12
  5. Skip edgy, dark films and books. Institute a “Keep it Light” policy
  6. Listen to a lot of music, and dance a little bit; just keep in mind #5
  7. Call, email, or text friends and people who are funny and fun
  8. Avoid the naysayers

As usual, Chaparral Community Association meetings are being held on the second Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm, and everyone is invited to attend and contribute. We will be posting notices for the meeting on our website.