Chaparral’s President’s Message for November


Contributed by Anton Ovtchinnikov, CCA President

Hello There Residents,

Me again! The winter is coming… I hope everyone had time to winterize their RVs and boats, blow out sprinklers, and book their tire swap appointments. I am looking forward to this winter, just like any other pretty much. Hot toddies, fresh snow in the morning, holidays, maybe even some get togethers with friends and family, new fall TV shows, icy sidewalks, and freezing snowstorms; well may be not the last two, but it is all part of the package for the season.

“May you live in interesting times” – very old proverb that comes to mind when I have time to slow down and sit back and watch. This is both a blessing and a curse, in my opinion. We for sure are living and witnessing interesting times. Let’s be kind to one another, let’s have compassion and believe that “this too shall pass.” Please check in on your neighbours, your family, and friends. What we need right now, more than anything, is to be together, to stay positive, and be involved. We have been separated for long enough and if we are able to – let’s make an effort to bring communities closer again.

I am sure that by the time this reaches you – there could be many changes around the world and specifically Calgary, let’s make the best of these changes…

“Don’t ever forget that you’re a citizen of this world, and there are things you can do to lift the human spirit, things that are easy, things that are free, things that you can do every day: civility, respect, kindness, character.” – Aaron Sorkin