A March Message from the Deer Ridge Board


Community Ice Rinks

A great big thank you to Bob Hall and our community ice rink volunteers who’ve kept the ice groomed, flooded, and maintained all winter. The ice will continue to be maintained as long as the weather holds. Check for updates on our new Instagram account for the community ice rinks. The Deer Ridge Outdoor Rinks deerridgeodr Instagram account is a great way to keep up to date on rink activities! Follow us or visit by navigating to the Deer Ridge CA site https://deerridgeca.com/ and select menu item Parks and Facilities > Hockey and Leisure Rinks > Outdoor Rinks Instagram.

Community Gardens

Are you dreaming of gardening already? Can’t wait to get your hands in the dirt or taste the first lettuce and radishes? The Deer Ridge Community Gardens will start up again in May – watch the Deer Ridge blog at https://deerridgeca.com/ in April, for communication about plot availability and how to get yours!

Foothills Soccer

Soccer season is almost here – are your youngsters itching to get out and kick the ball around? Deer Ridge is proud to be a community partner with Calgary Foothills Soccer Club and we’re excited to see the club teams practice on the field beside Yellow Slide Park again this year. U4-U8 Grassroots registration is now open for the May 2, 2020, season opener. Details at and registration at www.gofoothills.ca. Community membership is required for registration.

Casino Volunteers Needed

Our major fund-raising casino will be held on Monday, April 6 and Tuesday, April 7, 2020 at Cash Casino Place and we still need volunteers to fill a few positions. This is a great opportunity to meet your neighbours and help to ensure the continued viability of Deer Ridge amenities.

Casino proceeds help ensure AGLC funding is available to the community for facilities and programs such as ice rinks, tennis courts, replacement of aging playgrounds, youth programs, and special events like Movie at Yellow Slide Park.

Training is provided for roles and shifts. Meals are covered at no expense to the volunteer and transportation is available if needed. Please contact us at [email protected] to volunteer!


Deer Ridge Community Association Memberships are available for purchase anytime online at https://deerridgeca.com/membership/ or by filling out the form in this newsletter. Membership is still only $15.00 and applies to all residents of the same household.

Your interest in and support for our community make a difference!

Deer Ridge Community Association Meetings

The next 2 board meetings will be held:

Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 7:00 pm

Tuesday, April 21, 2020, 7:00 pm

Lutheran Church of The Good Shepherd, 13811 Deer Ridge Drive SE