Deer Ridge Message from the Board for November


November is blowing in a change in seasons, a transition to winter, and winter fun. Changes have been happening on your Community Association Board as well, after the AGM that was held on September 15.

Changes to your Deer Ridge CA Board

The Deer Ridge Community Association would like to take this opportunity to extend a warm welcome to Ms. Angela Ziegler, who has joined the Board in the role of Director at Large.

The Board would like to offer great big thank you to Ms. Barb Chapin, who has been our Board Secretary for over 10 years. Barb will be stepping down from this role, which she has so ably handled for all this time, to focus on some special projects and personal pursuits. Barb will stay on as Director at Large. She’s still working on the Deer Ridge project to have a shelter installed at Yellow Slide Park, and we’ll work hard to keep her involved in our community; Barb has been and continues to be a wonderful asset to our team.

The role of Secretary will be filled by Ms. Karen Stevenson for one year, until a new Secretary fulfills the role.

Mr. Bob Hall has graciously agreed to fill the role of 1st Vice President, vacated by Karen Stevenson, as she moves into the Secretary position.

Board Member Positions Available

Would you like to add skills and experience to your résumé, help develop community vitality and amenities for yourself and your family, or contribute to the community in retirement?

Deer Ridge Community Association is looking for individuals interested in becoming Board Members. Vacant positions include 2nd Vice-President, Secretary, and Director at Large. This month we would like to highlight the important role of the Secretary.

The Secretary role is a commitment of approximately 5 hours a month, which includes attendance at regular Board meetings to participate in decision making for the community’s future and taking and transcribing minutes. The Secretary is a member of the Board Executive and must have been on the Board for a year, prior to taking the position, so this is a role to grow into.

The Secretary is the holder of the Alberta Societies Stamp and the Community Association by-laws, responsible for signing off on the minutes, and the holder of the Association Minute Book. The Secretary must be responsible, organized, demonstrate fine attention to detail, be able to take notes at meetings, and be interested in the future of the community. Training is provided. This would be a wonderful role to fill at any age or career stage. Please contact Board President, Dawn Wallace, at [email protected] to indicate your interest.

Community Garden

The Community Garden was in full swing quite late into this year. After a late spring, a wet early summer, and then a dry August and September, gardeners were treated to warm temperatures and an extended growing season right into October.

A huge shout out to the many Community Garden volunteers who helped out so generously this year. You contributed seeds and knowledge, donated signs, helped with finishing the netting, and kept the gardens watered, trimmed, clean, and maintained. You even came out and stained benches, harvested fresh produce for the Food Bank, and delivered it several times. Special thanks go to Mr. Bob Hall, who kept us all on track, filled in when gardeners hadn’t yet watered, mowed, maintained the shed and the bed covers, added locks and signs to the gardens this year, and kept everything sanitized and supplies refilled. Bob, you are a rockstar and we are so lucky to have you heading up our gardens – thank you!

Remembrance Day

While Remembrance Day ceremonies may look a bit different this year, it’s important that we not forget to take a moment and give some thought to the memory of those who fought so valiantly and gave their lives to ensure we may keep the freedoms we enjoy. At 11:00 am on November 11, please stop and pause for a moment, wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, and give some thought to the memory of those who didn’t come home, those who came home wounded, those who didn’t recover, and those who went on (or are going on) to help build our nation. It’s been 75 years since the end of World War II and we still enjoy the benefits of their sacrifice. We also owe thanks to our men and women in uniform and appreciate the service they continue to perform all over the world and here at home in Canada. Let us sacrifice a minute of our time to honour them on November 11.

Flu Shots

Flu season is upon us, and this year, it’s especially important to get your flu shot. The flu vaccine is the best way to help reduce your risk of flu illnesses, hospitalization, or even flu-related death, especially in children and the elderly. During COVID-19, schools and places of work are not allowing anyone with symptoms to come onto the premises, so even mild symptoms could mean more time at home self-isolating or caring for those with symptoms, while you wait for tests to come back or symptoms to abate.

Flu vaccinations are by appointment and fortunately, there are many places in the Deer Ridge area that you can go to be vaccinated. The flu vaccine may be administered by a pharmacist, family doctor, or at a medical clinic. It takes approximately 2 weeks for antibodies to develop in the body and provide protection, so try to get your vaccination done as early in the flu season you can.

Skating Rinks

It’s that time of year! The skating rinks are being prepared for flooding and we’re looking forward to a good skating year, with La Nina expected to make an appearance to give us a colder, wetter winter than usual.

Deer Ridge has 2 skating rinks – a shinny hockey rink and a pleasure rink with benches and sometimes even a toasty warm fire. We hope you’ll plan to come out and enjoy these with your family or your cohort this winter.

Winter Family Skate

The Winter Family Skate is expected to go on as usual in January. Some adjustments will be made to keep everyone safe during COVID, and we invite you to come out and have a good time, with confidence that the appropriate precautions are being taken. Watch for more information on our website, in the newsletter, or wherever you get your community news.

Off-Leash Areas

Do you have a furry, canine friend that you like to take out and exercise? Lots of great walks, a little catch or fetch, maybe a game of tag, or just a good run? Well, then, Deer Ridge is a great place to live; did you know that we have an off-leash area within easy walking distance of almost everywhere in our community? It stretches around the entire eastern end of Deer Ridge and up the south side of the community as well. Get out and have some fun with your furry, four-legged, always-full-of-energy, happy-to-see-you best bud at the off-leash area. Here’s a map to help you find this Deer Ridge treasure: