Deer Ridge’s Board Message for July


Shady Park Playground Update

The installation of new playground equipment in early July marks a new beginning for Shady Park playground, on Deer Ridge Way! The new play area promises to be a big hit with our community kids, old and young. A great big thank you goes out to all those who have helped, and continue to help, with the organization, installation, and ongoing work to get the playground equipment replaced. We’re excited about enjoying this new equipment, and we hope you are, too!

Community Gardens Update

Gardening at the Deer Ridge Community Gardens is in full swing, and the vegetables are growing tall. All spots are rented by community association members, like you, who enjoy growing and harvesting organic produce for their fresh dinners and snacks. This year, a few plots have again been privately rented and planted for the Food Bank; the rest are rented by member gardeners, who each work and harvest their own plots, and help out with watering, mowing, and maintaining the entire garden area. If you enjoy gardening and friendships, we’ll make sure there’s a spot for you to rent with us next spring!

Deer Ridge Community Association Meetings

Monthly Community Association Meetings will resume in September. We wish you a wonderful summer and look forward to seeing you at the Movie in the Park!

Movie in Yellow Slide Park

Mark your calendars – this year’s Movie in the Park will take place on July 27 in Yellow Slide Park. We’re looking for volunteers to help us on the day of the event. Contact [email protected] to get involved.

Food, fun in the park, and a movie at sundown; mark your calendar and plan to attend! This very well attended family fun event has become a Deer Ridge tradition, so watch the webpage and look for community signage to get all the details.