Deer Ridge’s Message from the Board for May

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Spring is in full swing and there is a lot to do, right now and all through the summer. We hope you will enjoy some of the amenities we have in our community, support the businesses that support us right here and nearby, participate in the fun events we have planned for you, and let us know how we’re doing and what can be done to make Deer Ridge the very best community to live in, in Calgary.

Deerfoot Trail Improvements

The province is planning improvements to Deerfoot Trail, including Anderson Road and Bow Bottom Trail, the heaviest used access roads to our community. Learn more about the plans and stay up to date with the timing of construction on the improvements at

Community Garden

Are you new to gardening and think you might like to try it? Want to cut back on your produce bills this summer and feed your family fresh, organic vegetables? Want to reduce your carbon footprint by growing your produce close to home? Watch the community garden website for news about when you can get a plot to rent for the summer. If you gardened with us last year, you should have received a notice to renew your plot in April. It is still possible to get a garden plot, but these are popular, so don’t delay – contact Mr. Bob Hall at [email protected] about the community garden today!

Deer Ridge Dog Off-Leash Area

If you recently welcomed a dog into your home or are new to our area, you will be happy to know that Deer Ridge has a large, designated, off-leash area! It is a large open space, away from most traffic, with a variety of ground features. The off-leash area circles around the east, south, and part of the west portion of the community and is easily accessible from anywhere.

The area is open to the public, with or without a dog, and is often frequented by children on their way to and from school, as well as folks out for a leisurely walk. The area has some pretty good views across the river valley and out toward the mountains. Sunrises and sunsets look magnificent from the ridge walk around the dog park, and midday walks in the green space are enjoyable too.

A map showing the off-leash area is included here and is also available on our website, for your convenience. Garbage bins are conveniently located throughout the off-leash area to dispose of waste.

Community Festival

Come one, come all, to our own Community Festival, to be held on Sunday, June 25, in Deer Point Plaza, from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. This annual event has been growing over the years and has become very popular. Come on down and enjoy live music, activities for the kids, dancing, games, door prizes, bouncy castles, a food market, local artisans, and lots of fun and community building. Bring your friends and family, all are welcome, and access to the event is free. We look forward to getting together with you!

Movie in the Park

Mark your calendars! Movie in the Park will be here on Saturday, August 19! Deer Ridge Community Association will host a family-friendly outdoor movie night, with hot dogs, cold drinks, and activities for the kids. The event is free for everyone – you don’t have to be a community member to join in the fun. Come, bring the family, some bug spray, a blanket or chairs, and be ready to have a great time. Please plan to join us for this very popular, fun, neighbourhood and family event – we look forward to enjoying the evening with you!


Your membership contributes directly to the activities and amenities in your community!

In some of our previous newsletters the cost of membership was misidentified as $150 per year – we apologize for the misprint.

Memberships are still only $15 per household, and are available online from our website,, or if you prefer to mail in your payment, download our membership form from our website, or request a form be mailed you to [email protected] or 403-606-7331.

Thank you for your support!

Monthly Meetings

This month’s meeting will be held on Thursday, May 15 at 7:00 pm, location to be announced. Please let us know at [email protected] if you would like to attend and we will be sure to get location details out to you – we welcome all community association members at our meetings.

Please contact us at the email above if you are interested in volunteering on the Board, or if you have anything you would like to discuss at the meeting.

Annual General Meeting

Details of our annual general meeting, customarily held in June, will be forthcoming – watch our website, emailed Bulletin Board, or catch the June newsletter for details.

Click here to the Deer Ridge Community News home page for the latest Deer Ridge community updates.