Deer Run’s Message from the Board for October

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by David Brooke, Vice President, Deer Run Community Association

Happy Thanksgiving, 2020 style! Please celebrate safely.

Be sure to say thank you to all of the people working in the community who make our lives easier, from grocery store employees, coffee shop workers, and convenience store staff, among many, many others. They have been out there providing essential services and trying to keep us safe and healthy.

We would like to thank all our hard-working staff at the Deer Run Community Centre, including front desk, out of school, and day care staff, for keeping our children, program providers, and visitors safe. They ensure the facility remains open and inviting to our community members.

The Out of School childcare program has a lot of space as many parents are still working from home. If you are interested in enrolling your children or have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.

For children learning from home, and others who require a physical activity component, our program providers may be able to help keep you or your children active. Several martial arts programs are offered, such as karate and Jujitsu. There is a lot of value to learning a martial art. Martial art teaches discipline, responsibility, and integrity. Other programs include jazzercise and yoga, among others. For more information and contact details drop by the centre or check our website at

A positive in this global pandemic is that our community crime statistics have dropped dramatically since COVID-19 hit. However, if you do see or hear of any criminal activity, please make sure you report it. This can be done online, check out the Calgary Police Service (CPS) webpage. It is really easy! CPS allocates their resources based on criminal statistics, so even if petty crimes are occurring, they should be reported, so we may get the resources to shutdown these activities.

We hope everyone is either working from home or staying safe in their work environments. The quicker we shut down the spread of the virus, the sooner we can get back to our normal lives. We miss getting together with the people we normally associate with; online meetings are just not the same. It’s also nice to get out and interacting in the community, however we all must work extra hard to keep everyone safe. The last thing anyone wants to see is another lockdown, so we must be extra vigilant.

Again, we would like to thank the staff and the patrons of the community centre, we really appreciate your efforts to keep everyone safe.