Deer Run’s Message from the Board for September

DeerRun cn

This summer has been going a little too fast. We had an excellent Stampede Breakfast in June with the best volunteer participation in many years. Summer day camps were a complete success with things like field trips (water park, Drumheller, and may more), a good intake of treats and proper nutrition, lots of time outdoors, and quieter times of crafts indoors (with the new air conditioning). If you are at the centre, the video loop playing when you walk in will give you an idea of what a great summer the kids had.

Many board members were also enjoying their vacations, but the Center Manager crossed many items off the list like Enmax’s solar roof project, and getting the HVAC installed. It’s wonderful in the centre now and will continue to be in the cold months ahead. A partial kitchen renovation is imminent, daycare has a new non-dirt outdoor area to play in, many décor items are in place, a security camera upgrade is complete, and many more items have been or will be upgraded. Many thanks to our Center Manager for putting up with the volunteer board and teaching us what details need to be in place.

We are still looking for more people to join the sign committee. We were “eer Run” for a couple weeks and then Beer Run for a couple days this month. Many thanks to the good Samaritan who took any brown paint they had to cover the offensive B. Not keeping graffiti up for long is exactly what should be done so there is less satisfaction for the perpetrator. Many people honked in agreement with fixing/painting the sign. Humorously, Facebook is split on being Deer Run or Beer Run – again excellent participation from living in a great community.

Since we have a summer staff member from a Canada Grant, we put him to work paint-matching the good Samaritan’s paint colour (nice colour by the way), and then got him to finish painting the sign. We then had the person who replaced the last stolen D offer three more to replace them! What a community – we are all pitching in and doing things here and there.

If you want to be more involved in the community, call the centre and leave a message with Rob stating what you would like to help with, and we will be in touch.

The community survey will be wrapped up and the summary will be out soon.


The Board

PS. As one of our own – a former board member has a 22-year-old son who has cancer. It was going well and is now sadly rearing its ugly head again and it is now at stage 4. They are in regular and alternative treatments and those costs can get quite high.

She is asking for donations of bottles which is a slow way to raise money, but every bit helps, especially if we all pitch in as a community. More information and a more direct route to raise money can be found at

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