Deer Run’s President’s Message for June

DeerRun cn

It’s been some time since I wrote a president’s letter. Staff and board members have been hard at work behind the scenes and the community is in good health. We are looking for a few more people to join our board, as well as volunteers for various events each year. We will also be forming two committees, the first will be a group of people to help plant and maintain the new cement flowerpots and the flower beds in front of the centre. The second will be a group to clean up the 146 Ave sign for Deer Run and come up with possible options to replace the sign. Please leave your name with Rob at the centre if you are interested in being a part of either or both committees.

Stampede breakfast is upon us again, volunteers are needed to make this event the success it always is. We will also be sending out doorhangers in June and will be asking what you would like to see us work towards bringing to the community at This includes programs but also additions to the facility to offer other services.

Some of the ideas/options are:

• No changes or improvements

• Indoor sports simulator such as golf

• Board one of the outdoor rinks

• Lawn bowling greens

• Indoor social/meeting space

• Outdoor spray park

• Indoor climbing wall

• Additional indoor gymnasium

• Move tennis courts closer to parking lot and/or add more pickleball courts

• Improve Kitchen

• Add more equipment to the gym

• Purchase Zamboni surf simulator

• Additional adult ball diamond

• Indoor hockey arena

We have had a community centre for over 40 years now and other complexes are offering more. To ensure we remain vibrant, these are some options that have been brought up. Please take the time to do the quick survey so we all get our say on what our community will look like.

Please buy your membership and see you at the stampede breakfast.


Kim Semeniuk

President DRCA

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