Diamond Cove’s President’s Message for October

Presidents Message Queensland Diamond Cove

by Jerry McLellan, President

Dear Diamond Cove Residents,

Hoping everyone had a fabulous summer after a rainy June and early July. It was looking a bit shaky, but we had a nice recovery which was good to see. As I write this submission, it is August 31, and the sunshine continues although you can feel the transition into fall taking place.

Continue to enjoy the weather as it lasts as it is important for your well being to enjoy the outdoors and visit people while you are out while continuing to safely practice distancing when necessary.

It is nice to see certain improvements that people are undertaking within the neighborhood as it gives you something to do and it is always nice to refresh your surroundings.

I do hope everyone continues to stay healthy and strong throughout the COVID ordeal. Hopefully as we progress further into 2020, we do make some progress on a possible vaccine to allow economies and life to function in a more normalized manner.

Please feel free to contact me with any concerns or questions at [email protected].