Fairview Community Association’s Notice of Annual General Meeting

Fairview cn

Tuesday, June 6, 2023, 6:30 pm

Flavelle Park + New this year: online attendance option

Online attendance options will be provided on the Fairview website prior to the meeting – stay tuned! You must have a membership by May 6 to vote. Regular board meeting to follow.

Why come out to the meeting? The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is an important opportunity for neighbours to engage with the current Fairview Community Association (FCA) board, elect the 2023-2024 board, ask questions, hear about our recent wins, receive an update on the financials, and appoint the auditors. Why else should you attend?

Stay informed: Attending the AGM is a great way to stay informed about future plans, and what we’ve been up to over the past year. It will give you a chance to ask any questions you might have.

Have a say: As a Fairview Community Association member, you have a voice in the organization’s decision-making process. By attending an AGM, you can vote on important issues such as nominating board members and accepting the financial statements.

Network: The AGM can be an excellent opportunity to meet your board and your neighbours. Learn more about our neighbourhood and the FCA!

Are you thinking of standing for election to the board yourself? We need Fairviewers to volunteer! Joining the FCA board is an awesome way to get involved in your community and make a positive impact.

Community boards are made up of individuals who are committed to improving the quality of life in their neighbourhood; they work together to identify and address important issues and concerns and to build community. The FCA board is a working board, which means the directors actively plan and participate in programming, fundraising, and administrative work. Volunteer board members are essential to the functioning of the FCA. Many hands make light work!

How does the FCA benefit? Having a strong contingent of volunteers can increase the board’s capacity to carry out its responsibilities and support a broad scope of community events and activities. Board members can help with organizing events, fundraising, outreach, and community engagement. Having volunteers from diverse backgrounds, with different skill sets and perspectives, can help ensure that the board is representative of our community. Volunteers who live in the community have local connections and knowledge that can be invaluable to the board.

How do volunteers benefit? You can work on projects that interest you and help improve your neighbourhood, such as beautification efforts, safety initiatives, or putting on events. Joining a community board can help you develop new skills and gain valuable experience in areas such as project management, public speaking, and leadership, or continue to apply skills you’ve developed in the past. You can also network with other board members and learn from their experiences. Being part of a community board allows you to connect with people from all walks of life and build meaningful relationships with your neighbours. As a member of a community board, you’ll have access to important information about your community, including upcoming events, issues affecting your neighbourhood, and resources available to residents.

You’re more than welcome to attend monthly board meetings and events to get a sense of what the board does and how you can contribute – just get in touch with our secretary, Alicia Davis, at [email protected]. Being part of a community board is a rewarding and fulfilling experience that can have a lasting impact on your community!

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