Fairview’s President’s Message for March 2023

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Happy March Fairviewers!

As we finalize our budget for the upcoming fiscal year (March 1, 2023, to February 29, 2024), I am reminded of the great events we have hosted in the past and hope to continue. Keeping events on the community association’s calendar, adapting events to changing circumstances, and creating all new events for Fairviewers is made possible only with volunteers, both at the event and on the board. Volunteering your time makes all the difference.

And that reminds me that it’s time to renew your membership! There are several ways to get your 2023/24 membership. You can visit our website, www.fairviewcommunity.ca, to purchase with PayPal, use the form in this newsletter, or email [email protected] to purchase a membership by cash or cheque. You’ll have a hot-off-the-presses new membership card in no time! This year, we’ve finally changed the cost of a membership to $20. However, if you buy before March 31, 2023, you’ll get the early bird price of $15, so order your membership soon!

Speaking of membership, have you helped us in the past (pre 2020) with our membership drive? Are you interested in supporting us again? Or are you new to Fairview (or not new but feeling some cabin fever!) and looking for an excuse to meet your neighbours? Please contact us at [email protected] to get involved. We need several volunteers on the ground to cover small sections of the neighbourhood in April.

Connect with anyone on the board (you can email me directly at [email protected]) and let us know if you can help us ensure Fairview stays a great neighbourhood for decades to come.


First Vice-President/Acting President

proudly serves the following Communities: Fairview