Fairview’s President’s Message for September

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Welcome to September! Even though it isn’t the beginning of the year, September often feels like the start of something fresh. Students are back at school, pencils sharpened, laptops charged, and ready for a new year. One of the great things about our community are the large, established trees which means that many Fairviewers are welcoming fall with a handy garden rake or leaf blower.

Traffic will start to increase and become more congested as students return to school. This is especially true along Fairmount Drive and the streets neighbouring Fairview School and Le Roi Daniels School. Take a minute to check where the parking, no parking, and no stopping zones are located. These zones are used by parents and students, school buses, and city buses, and can be very busy as everyone is eager to get a start (or end) to their day!

The Fairview Community Association (FCA) continues to advocate for traffic and mobility safety in the neighbourhood and is interested in your feedback or suggestions. You can reach out to us at [email protected].

Monthly FCA board meetings resume September 12 after the summer break. Board meetings are typically held the first Tuesday of every month and are open to Fairviewers. If you are interested in learning more about the community association and what opportunities are available, please send me an email at [email protected].

Over the summer the Beautification Committee has worked hard to activate the space behind the NaAC where the arena was located. The committee is building a space with games and activities that all Fairviewers can enjoy. This will also be the home of a new storage space for the FCA, which will be professionally painted with a mural by local company Tough Painting. The design for the mural has been created by our own ‘resident’ artist, Billie Rae Busby. “Bright Sunny Day” is a minimalist version of Billie Rae’s signature hard-edge abstract landscape artwork. It’s eye-catching and colourful!

Our hard-working volunteers have also coordinated Fairview’s popular Movie in the Park! This fun evening is fast becoming a signature Fairview event and involves many volunteers and support from local businesses.

The FCA board is a volunteer-based working board that is committed to Fairview and our vision: “To promote and enhance a healthy, safe, and productive environment for the residents of Fairview by providing access to programs, services, and information, all while establishing a sense of community identity and belonging.” We love to hear from our community members and always appreciate offers to volunteer. You can reach out to me by email or to the CA on social media to connect with us any time!

Megan Federow


[email protected]

Instagram: @fairviewyyc

Facebook: Fairview Community (fairviewyyc)

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