Meet The Responsible Pet Owner Family in Fairview

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Fairview is full of all kinds of pets, and Fairviewers can often be found chatting about the right approach to responsible pet care that also respects their neighbours. Fortunately, the City of Calgary Responsible Pet Ownership Bylaw helps to ensure that cats, dogs, their owners, and neighbours can all live together safely and harmoniously. Let’s consider how the Responsible family cares for their cat and dog.

When the Responsibles’ dog Houndsley turned three months old, Mr. Responsible made sure to get a pet license, available on the City of Calgary website. Houndsley wears it everywhere. The Responsibles also got a pet license for their furry feline Catina, but a cat only has to wear their license everywhere if it doesn’t have a microchip or visible tattoo, and Catina has a rad ear tattoo. They know that if their pets should ever go missing, an up-to-date pet license can help reunite them with their owners.

Mr. and Mrs. Responsible want to keep their pets safe and under their control at all times, even on their own property. They know that vehicles, coyotes, and bobcats can all pose serious threats to small pets, and that they are required to properly dispose of their pets’ poop immediately. For these reasons, Catina is an indoor cat who is not allowed to roam freely off the Responsibles’ property, so she doesn’t use the neighbours’ garden as a litter box or become a bobcat meal (even if she does look vaguely like a meatloaf).

Houndsley goes on walks with the family in public spaces such as streets, alleys, sidewalks, and pathways, as long as he has a leash on, and Mr. or Mrs. Responsible is in control (Junior Responsible isn’t old enough or strong enough to manage the dog yet). Houndsley is never allowed on school grounds, playgrounds, tot lots, or sports fields around the neighbourhood.

Mr. Responsible often takes Houndsley to a designated off-leash area like Flint Park or along the Blackfoot Trail sound wall to have some fun without the leash, but he must be in control of his dog at all times. Houndsley must remain within his sight and respond to his commands even if he’s having a great time smelling absolutely everything. Afterwards, Mr. Responsible puts the leash back on and walks Houndsley home for a long, cold drink of water.

Want more information on responsible pet ownership? Call 311 or visit to learn more!

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