A July Update from Bonavista Cares


We hope you are doing well as we navigate a different summer this year. Bonavista Cares has been staying busy; we are so fortunate to have amazing support in our neighbourhood and Parkland.

We first want to extend a huge thanks to our Safeway. They help us day after day with smiles and care. More recently, they supported Bonavista Cares by generously donating funds raised from their used book sale. For years, Safeway has been raising money to help others; we are so grateful. Thank you, Safeway!

It was bittersweet when Bonavista Cares dropped off well over 100 cakes and icings intended for our birthday bag program. The Food Bank was overwhelmed with gratitude. This event inspired a contactless food drive in Lake Bonavista where another donation of 45 pounds in food was delivered.

Like the Food Bank, other organizations that care for our most vulnerable are struggling to meet high demands. With that in mind, Bonavista and Parkland made many generous donations over the past few months. Our community provided Women In Need Society with beautiful children’s hats, mitts, and winter wear for 2020, along with brand new makeup and essential personal hygiene products. We were able to donate $100 of brand-new birthday party supplies to the Happy Birthday Project through Made by Momma. The Mustard Seed has a list of their current biggest need – we addressed these needs by providing new nail care kits, personal hygiene items and about 50 pairs of socks. Thank you to all of our neighbours who continue to give even in these trying times.

Summer brings with it one of our most inspiring initiatives, our garden! We thank you for all of the donations of seeds, plants, time, and effort. Our garden team has been working tirelessly to make sure we reach last years’ donation of 81 pounds of fresh produce to the Food Bank. Through nurturing, care, and attention, our garden is already abundant; we are very excited for the harvest in September. As we start a summer unlike any summer before, Bonavista Cares will leave you with a quote from Audrey Hepburn: “To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.”

For more information on Bonavista Cares: [email protected] or on Facebook: bonavistacares.