Lake Bonavista’s – Bonavista Cares – June


Summer here we come!

Bonavista Cares has had a very busy spring and is looking forward to a summer of gardening.

Thank you everyone for the amazing success of our first socially distanced ‘Birthday Bag’ event. We were able to provide over 200 full birthday parties in a bag for the youngest clients of the Calgary Food Bank. There are so many to thank, including all the children, families, and neighbours who came together to donate. As well as, YYC Power Electrical Services donating 200 bags of balloons, Richard Gotfried’s office for 200 cakes and icings, Prince of Wales and Master Academy students, our Lake Bonavista Pathfinders troop, the LBCA, Park 96, and many more!

For Mother’s Day, a very talented neighbour, Barb, generously donated four beautiful garden boxes to auction off, with all funds going directly to AARCs, a local animal rescue. We wanted to honour the many friends in the neighbourhood fostering animals. Raising over $100, we were so pleased with our first ever auction for our local fur babies.

Our Lake Bonavista Food Bank gardens are well underway! Adam and Heidi have spent hours preparing, researching, and mapping out the two gardens that will provide bountiful harvests this summer and fall. If you would like to help with the care, watering, and even harvesting, there is a sign up available. Thank you to all of the local experts, those who donated seeds and seedlings, as well as those who already signed up. We are so excited to provide the Calgary Food Bank with fresh fruits and vegetables this year.

Bonavista Cares is hopeful to be a part of the Parade of Garage Sales this year. If you have any sellable items please consider donating, or if you are looking for amazing finds at great prices, please stop by. We are just waiting to be updated if it is a go. We sure hope so as it is our biggest fundraiser and helps support many of our projects throughout the year.

Thank you everyone for all the support this past year. We are so excited for the hope and joy that summer holds. If you would like more information on Bonavista Cares, you can email us at [email protected] or find us on Facebook.