McKenzie Lake’s Annual Membership Fees – March

MLRA cn Mckenzie Lake ML RA

Membership fees for 2022/23 are past due.

Fees for 2023/24 will be invoiced in March via email. Check your spam and junk filters.

Important: Membership fees are mandatory, not optional. Membership fee charges are secured by an encumbrance which is registered on the title to your property. If you are not sure whether you must pay the fee, please review the most updated version of your certificate of title and determine if there is an encumbrance registered by McKenzie Lake Residents Association. If there is an encumbrance on title, then it is mandatory for you to pay the fee. You can also contact our office for confirmation.

Methods of payment include:

• Online payment via credit card

• Debit and Cash – During Office hours

• Cheque – Mailed or inserted in the building mailbox

• Sorry, we do not accept credit cards in person, or e-transfers