McKenzie Towne’s September President’s Message


Hello McKenzie Towne,

Welcome to September! There’s lots of uncertainty again with back to school and people returning back to work. I hope you are all taking time for your mental and physical health. The MTCA is slowly returning to regular scheduled meetings and hopefully getting back to our community outreach. As it is right now, things are very slow for us. Next month’s newsletter will have information on what has happened with our AGM, and any news our City reps have shared; so, hopefully my President’s Message will back to its exciting self for October!

Our AGM is on September 9 at 6:30 pm. We will be having it at the McKenzie Towne Hall where all social distancing and mask requirements will be followed. We will also have an online component for whoever would like to join us that way. Follow our Facebook page or, if you’re an MTCA member, watch for an email with all the details. We will have some of our City representatives in attendance to talk about what’s happening in our community, and some great prizes to give away.

Our board always needs more voices to represent all facets of our diverse community. Volunteering with us takes as much time as you would like to put in. All we ask is that you attend as many meetings (the second Wednesday of each month from 6:30 to about 8:00 pm) as possible so we can benefit from your opinions. There are some perks, like getting freebies from community partners, but mostly it’s a fun way to meet people and be involved. Positions on our board are: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Communications, Memberships, and Board Members. If you’re interested in any of these, reach out to us! We all work together as a team and are always willing to help someone learn the duties of a chosen position. Being on the board is an excellent opportunity to help shape our community and be more informed. These positions also look excellent on resumes! Come to our meeting on September 9, or you can contact us through email or our social media pages.

We’ve had some very interesting weather this past month and you have sent in some great photos! Check out our photo section to see them. We love to see what’s happening in our community! Have you completed some fun projects you’d like to share? Maybe had a small-but-spaced-apart get together with some neighbours, or saw the blue heron that hangs out around Inverness Pond? We want to see what you’ve been doing during these odd times! Perhaps you’ve decided to take up story writing, drawing colouring pages, or writing knitting patterns? Let’s fill our newsletter with more community content. Did you see the wonderful article in June’s edition about the fish on Inverness Pond? That was written by a talented community member! Send your pictures or content to [email protected] by July 15 to be in our August issue.

Our meetings are fun and informative. We often have guest speakers attending from the Calgary Police Service, Shane Keating’s office, the City of Calgary, and other organizations. The main focus of the MTCA is to bring our community together by being the liaison between these organizations and also by planning community events. Please Note: We are the MTCA, not the MTC. The McKenzie Towne Council (MTC) is the board that is in control of our annual Home Owner Association (HOA) fees and they are in charge of maintaining the environment and physical amenities in McKenzie Towne. MTCA meetings do not address these issues, although we often have discussions about the traffic circle.

Feel free to reach out to our board at [email protected] or to me directly at [email protected]. You can also find us on Facebook and Instagram.


Sarah Ferguson

MTCA President