Mid-Sun President’s Message – October


This past Labour Day, my girlfriend and I planned to have one more summer day at the beach. On arriving, a neighbour commented that we were “prepared for anything”- our beachwear and towels were accompanied by heavy blankets and sweaters. Though the weather was uncertain, it was still mostly sunny, and we didn’t hope to use the colder-weather items. As we got closer to the beach though, we realized there were no people on it, only huge flocks of seagulls and crows. A cold breeze moved over the water, and in the distance, we saw a single brave swimmer. Though we did admire him, after looking around, we had no desire to join him. So, our beach gear was left unused, and we focused on having a little barbecue there instead.

Though not what we expected, it was a great time, and a reminder that the season is marching on. This filled me with a sense of anticipation. Not for the few warm days that Calgary will bless us with, even into October, and certainly not for the season that comes next. But for what is coming up in the community (surely, writing all this on deadline night is adding to the anxiety).

First, is the installation of our fence art on Sun Valley Boulevard. Since we plan to build on September 30, it is likely that by the time you read this, the artwork will be up. But if you see this before that day, and want to help, please contact me. This project has been a lot of work over the past year, and I look forward to seeing it completed.

There is also a good chance that by the time of this issue’s arrival, our Annual General Meeting on October 3 will have come and gone (again, if you are available that night at 8 PM, feel free to join us at the Mid-Sun Community Centre). We’ll be reviewing the past year’s work, and initiating the year ahead, by voting for President and nominating directors. There will be some new faces on the board this year, and many others who will be returning. I look forward to working with you all.

Something else I am looking forward to, as no doubt many of you are, is the road crews completing their work on Midlake Boulevard. Finishing this phase will remove a lot of stress, though concerns will remain about what has been done with the road. Making the eastbound side one-lane is sensible; the two driving lanes were unnecessary, since they were often used for parking anyways, and led to some bad bottlenecks. However, the changes to the westbound side are more difficult to understand. It helps to look beyond their effect on traffic flow. Midlake Boulevard was once a quiet road, that was never meant to carry the heavy traffic load that has been on it in recent years. The road is also busy with pedestrians, many of whom are children, using it to get to the lake, community centre, playgrounds and schools. So, if the measures introduced reduce speeding and accidents, while keeping kids and pedestrians safe, that would be a good thing. Still, I am sure frustration and confusion will remain, even after this phase is complete.

To be clear, the Mid-Sun Community Association does not make decisions on development- that is the role of the city. We only had a chance to comment, as did our neighbouring organizations: Midnapore School, St. Teresa of Calcutta School and the Midnapore Lake Resident’s Association. The city also sought feedback from all Midnapore residents through surveys and open houses, both advertised in the past couple years. The project has been in the works for a long time, and the city intends to carry through with it as planned. If you need further information, please go to www.calgary.ca/midlake. And if your concerns about the road still don’t settle, your best way to reach the city is by calling 311.

Since there is still so much to work on, I should get back to it and not linger. And after reading some of the shorter President’s Messages that my predecessors wrote, as well as reviewing Strunk and White’s Elements of Style (as anyone who writes regularly should), I am reminded of the value of brevity. Still, I tend to write a lot, and will continue to do so next month, if I get the chance.

But I’ll just have to wait until then.


-Mark Schmidt

President, Mid-Sun Community Association

[email protected]