NBCA Board Wishes You an Awesome Summer

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We have a good team, more and more people know about us, and we hope September will bring new members onto our Board – residents like you who want to make more happen for the community.

Can we solve all the problems of the world? (Read “the community”) Of course not, but every single thing that we solve and every single idea to better our community goes a long way. And every brilliant idea needs to be backed up by someone volunteering the time to make sure that idea comes to fruition.

We get all kinds of inquiries coming our way and we gladly help whenever we have more info on hand. A lot of inquiries are redirected to other offices/organizations and sometimes we even meet the concerned resident just to get further details and decide if our knowledge as Board members can solve the problem.

You get the idea, sometimes we can help, sometimes not, but at some point, you should ask yourself if you can help yourself and others by joining our Board and learning more about the elected offices and the city. Don’t be shy, give us a try.

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