New Brighton Children and Adult Programs – March

NewBrighton cn

Stay Safe Course

Ages 11 to 16 years

Session 2: March 18 from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm

Residents: $65 | Non-Residents: $80

Multisportball Parented

Ages 1.5 to 3 years

Session 1: April 2 to May 7 from 9:15 to 9:55 am

Residents: $95 | Non-Residents: $110


3 to 4 years

Session 1: April 2 to May 7 from 10:00 to 10:55 am

Residents: $95 | Non-Residents: $110

Little Veterinarian School – Aspiring Dog Vet Health Heroes

Session 1: April 6th to May 18

Ages 4 to 6 classes will be running from 5:30 to 6:30 pm

Ages 7 to 12 classes will be running from 6:45 to 7:45 pm

Residents: $165 | Non-Residents: $180