New Brighton: Spring Cleaning Season Is Here!

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Article provided by our student correspondent, Nicholas N.

I know that many people dread cleaning out their homes every spring. I like doing a thorough spring cleaning because it’s like your house and all your belongings are brand new. It’s a great time to fix things, and a great time to air out the house. Some of us may not have anything we want to get rid of, and others have lots we want to get rid of. One idea is to clean around your house, if you have lots of stuff outside, consider moving it inside or getting rid of it to keep a clutter-free passageway to your gate; your neighbors will thank you. If you have a pressure washer or a garden hose, it’s a great idea to clean out your garbage, recycling, and compost bins. This may help reduce the unpleasant smells you have around your home. You may also notice how some yards are greener than others. Some easy steps to take to have greener grass are watering once a day, cutting it consistently, fertilizing it at the start of the season, and adding seeds with fertilizer to promote green and healthy grass.