New Brighton’s Community Association Update for January

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Happy New Year New Brighton

And may all your wishes come true. 2021 was a challenging year that we left behind and we hope 2022 will bring more joy and positive things and less incertitude and challenges. Do not let this pandemic situation ruin the trust in humanity; don’t forget to be good with the people around you. Family, friends, and neighbours are more important than any government who makes decisions for “our own good” – they are our first line of support. Let’s not turn against each other just because we are pushed this way… Happy New Year everyone.

Walking Your Dog in Public Parks

Do you know that four new dog waste stations were added to our community? Thanks to the collaboration between NBCA and NBRA we secured funds for a few projects, these four stations being part of it. We try our best to make it easier for everyone, so please, do your part too.

We received a few complaints about people not picking after their dogs. We all share the parks, and the public spaces, so please make it pleasant for everyone who wants to enjoy our wonderful neighbourhood – be a responsible pet owner and do your part, clean up after your four-legged buddy.

Thanks for your understanding.

Calgary Traffic and What We Can Do About It

Most of us are driving daily and we see how crazy the traffic becomes every year. News about Calgary accidents are pouring in daily, and lives and property are lost. As Calgary’s driving risk factor rises, our car insurance rises, and more tax money is directed towards all kinds of traffic initiatives whether they help or not. We all pay the price of that reckless driving, in a direct or indirect form.

So please take a moment and think about two simple things that we can all do. When enough of us do our part, then you will see a change. We are the change, not some magical wand bearer or more police on the roads.

Merge Lines – Have you ever thought that most of the cars on the road are powerful cars? When you are on the main highway, and you race a car that is trying to merge, where do you think the merging car can go when the merging line ends? We saw rollovers at merging lines and if you take a closer look, you will notice more accidents are located at the merging lines. Please adapt your speed and be courteous and mindful at the merging lines, let’s all get home safe. If one slams the gas or the brakes on the merge line, don’t follow, make sure your speed is different, and that the merging car can safely get into main traffic.

Use Your Signals – How do you tell the person next to you how you feel, what you want? By talking. How do you talk with people in traffic? By using your signals. There is no such thing as, “I saw in my mirrors there is no one behind” to justify not using the signal; that is wrong. Using the signals should be in the blood of every driver, even when you get out of your driveway, you should, involuntarily, use the signal. How many times do people cut you off and step on your nerves? But when you see a signal, you are aware and informed of the move that some other driver wants to make. How many times has someone slammed the brakes for no reason and then stopped with no signal, endangering everyone around? The law and common sense say you need to use signals before hitting the brakes (except in emergencies) and also to use your signals when changing directions or lanes. We do not like to be told what to do, but please think about these two simple things that can get us all home safe.

Talk to everyone in traffic, be visible and respectful, and don’t use merge lines as a racetrack, there’s enough space for everyone on the streets. Thanks.

Need a Snow Blower? We Have One for You

Yes, you can borrow a snow blower and many more tools from our community Tool Shed. You have a project, and you need a tool just for that specific project? No need to buy it and store it after, just take it for a few days from the Tool Shed and finish your project with peace of mind. More details and the full inventory on on the “Tool Shed” page.