Preventable Crimes on the Rise in New Brighton

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Sad but True – Preventable Crimes on the Rise

We keep posting on our Facebook account about the 9PM routine as a way to deter bad guys from gaining access to our property. You do not want to wake up in the morning and realize your car is gone or the valuables from your car and garage are gone. Unfortunately, this grim scenario happens more often than you want to acknowledge – we like to live in a “cannot happen to me” bubble.

Up until last December, the break-ins due to garage doors being left open and cars being left unlocked with the garage remote inside were targeting only the car/garage valuables. At the end of December, the modus operandi changed, and thieves started to enter the house through the garage. On December 30, there was a spree of break-ins in Auburn Bay where thieves entered houses through the garage while the owners were sleeping and stole things from basements! This change of direction is alarming and tells us that things are not going in a good direction.

Do not be a victim of these crimes of opportunity. We cannot predict or prevent all the bad things coming our way, but we can do better about this – develop a good sense of securing your property and keep these creeps (a.k.a. thieves) at a distance.

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