Parkland Upcoming June Events and News

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Knitting Lessons

Knitting Lessons on Saturday afternoons in May and June. All classes are from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm.

Dates are June 3 and June 10

The cost is $50 and community membership is required.

Drop-in is now available, if you want to come for partial attendance, the charge is then $14 per drop-in.

If you don’t have a membership, one can be readily purchased from the office. The cost is $25.

To register, email the hall at [email protected].

We need four registrants to make this class a go.

If you have any questions regarding suitable projects, or any questions at all, feel free to email the hall at [email protected] or phone 403-278-5330.

New! Farm Stand Coming to Parkland

Parkland will be host to Shirley’s Greenhouse! Shirley’s greenhouse grows and sells cucumbers, tomatoes, hot peppers, bell peppers, butter lettuce, and kale.

Upcoming dates are June 3, 10, and 17, and 24

Time: 10:00 am to 2:00 pm

Location: Parkland Hall

Volunteer Tea

Saturday, June 10 from noon to 2:00 pm

As mentioned before, we could not put on our programs and events without the help of volunteers. Therefore, we are having our first annual volunteer tea at the hall. The intent is to recognize the efforts of our volunteers whilst enjoying a light luncheon and cake! So that we can compile a complete list, please contact the hall at [email protected] to add your name to the list. RSVPs will be emailed in late May.

Parage of Garage Sales

June 17

Parkland Community Association is thrilled to announce this year’s Parade of Garage Sales on June 17 from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm, sponsored by Jamie Newton and Associates. To register for the garage sale, go to and give your address, name, and telephone number.

What’s included in the registration:

• Garage sale sign

• Advertisement on a neighbourhood bold sign

• Advertisement on the online map

• Advertisement on the “Yard Sale Treasure Map” application in the Apple or Google app stores

• Advertisement on the printed map available for pick up at the hall

Canada Day

Save The Date!

Parkland Annual Canada Celebration. Car parade and new this year, rodeo!

Car Parade starts at 10:30 am

Food: 11:30 am to 2:00 pm

Where: Parkland Hall

When: July 1

Food and rodeo fun for all ages!

This event is free, and donations are welcome.

Embrace the Outdoors

A huge thank you to Parks Foundation Calgary and the City of Calgary for helping our community Embrace the Outdoors and be able to spend time outdoors this upcoming summer. We now have a new picnic table facing the community garden which is also wheelchair accessible. Being able to sit outside and connect with community members and neighbours alike is so important. Thank you, Parks Foundation.

The Role of Community Associations – Did You Know?

In Calgary, there are 152 community associations that stand for almost 200 neighbourhoods. More than 20,000 community association volunteers contribute approximately 2.4 million hours (about 274 years) of public service every year to organize and host social, recreational, and educational programs. They manage important neighbourhood facilities and are also often points of contact for local land use changes—providing engagement with the community beyond what is required by the city. Perhaps most importantly, they give a sense of community.

Parkland Babysitting Co-op

A long-standing community group known fondly as the Babysitting Co-op has been dormant for over four years. The final members recently met for coffee to discuss the questions: What was and what happened to the Babysitting Co-op? For those of you not familiar, the “Co-op” started in the mid-1970s with women swapping free daytime babysitting. Additionally, families made great community connections and food and peer support was generously shared during times of stress or emergency. Fast forward 40 years and the Co-op was still going strong, operating much the same as it had when it began. The purpose, clearly stated in the 2014 Bylaws was “to assist members in the care of their children while exemplifying the true spirit of cooperation.” Women who were involved with the Co-op worked hard to create a meaningful group; procedures and policies were carefully drafted and updated as time went on. Members were part of committees to address various aspects of the Co-op. Friendships became cemented for life. Kids played. Families felt a sense of belonging. As the final members of the Co-op, we worked hard, as many had before us, to recruit new families to join but there were no families, and no swapping of childcare. Over two years, we tried to spread the word to friends, neighbours, and strangers. Unfortunately, at the time we were not able to gather enough commitment to operate as an official group. We swapped childcare for the last time as a group of four or five families in the spring of 2018. If this sounds like something you’d be interested in being part of, gather a few friends together (maybe even some dads or other caregivers!). If you’d like to peruse the old Policies and Procedures, Jenn Stone, at the Park 96 office, would be more than happy to make a copy for you.

Click here to the Parkland Community News home page for the latest Parkland community updates.