Key Things to Know About in Riverbend in May


Stay connected to all things Riverbend at and Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @riverbendyyc

Riverbend Community Association is turning 35!

Riverbend Community Association will be turning 35 this year! See and for more photos and more details. If you have any info, photos, and other materials that you would like to share, please reach out to us at [email protected].

With COVID restrictions finally lifting, we can organize a true celebration event to celebrate this milestone! We are looking for volunteers interested in event planning, willing to contribute ideas as well as help with the event coordination. The event will be taking place in early fall. Please see more details and apply online at

Community Beautification

Riverbend All-Season Rink Makeover Project and 27 Riverbend Drive playground replacement.

Traffic Safety and Crime Prevention

Riverbend Community Association would like to better understand traffic and safety concerns in our community so we can develop appropriate action plans to address these items. Please take five minutes to answer a few questions via an online survey. Please scan the QR code for easy access.

Exciting Community Events Coming Soon!

YYC Foodtrucks coming to Riverbend!

YYC Foodtrucks will be coming to Riverbend every second Wednesday throughout May and June starting on May 4. Watch our social media platforms for details on which trucks will be coming when. Every time YYC Foodtrucks come to Riverbend they donate a portion of their profits to RCA. Last year, we raised almost $3,000, which helped us purchase a new snowblower. This year, we are hoping to raise $5,000 for a new snow sweeper for the outdoor rink. Please come out to enjoy a great meal and support your community at the same time!

Community Clean Up

The annual Community Clean Up event is coming on Saturday, May 7. The event is hosted in collaboration with Millican Ogden Community Association and will take place at Jack Setters Arena parking lot. We are recruiting volunteers to support the event. See more details on our website, Make sure to review detailed information about accepted and unaccepted items on our website,

Riverbend School 25th Anniversary Event

In 1993, members of the Riverbend Community Association approached school boards to determine if catholic and elementary schools could be built in Riverbend. In 1994, the community voted 75% in favor of a year-round, multi-track elementary school. June 10, 1995, a groundbreaking ceremony for the Riverbend School was held. On July 22, 1996, Riverbend School opened as a year-round, multi-track elementary school, the first of its kind in Canada.

Riverbend School is hosting a 25th Anniversary event on Thursday, May 19 from 6:30 to 8:30 pm and everyone who has ever been involved with the school as a student or staff is invited to attend.

Riverbend Farm Stand

Get farm fresh food and support local!

The City of Calgary has partnered with local farms, food growers, and food distributors to operate pop-up farm stands at community hubs around Calgary, including Riverbend Community Association. The 2022 Farm Stand Season runs May through Thanksgiving. The stand will be located at the Riverbend Community Association parking lot every Friday morning. Starting date TBA.

Spring Parade of Garage Sales

Start your spring cleaning and decluttering right away as the Spring Parade of Garage Sales is coming on Saturday, June 11! Thank you to Remax realtors Bart Lamb and Tarryn Hamilton for hosting the event for our community. Please register online at so your location will be added to the map. The electronic map will be available on our website and hardcopies will be available for pick up at the community centre on the day of the event.

2022 Riverbend Slo-pitch League

Riverbend Slo-pitch league is a non-contact league (no sliding into bases and home plate is a mat); each team supplies and umpires their own games; fun league (we do not track wins or losses for teams); each team is provided with six or seven game balls; bases are supplied and are kept at the diamond. There is a wind-up tournament which starts the Tuesday after Labor Day weekend and continues through the following weekend. There is a windup party after the league ends, usually at the end of September. Must be 18 years of age to join. There is one game per week from July to mid-September (weekdays in July and August). Games take place at Holy Angel’s School diamond. Please register online at

Join The RCA Team!

If you are:

  • Excited to work with new technology
  • Capable of problem solving independently and as part of a team
  • Able to thrive in a virtual work environment
  • Looking for an opportunity to work with a professional and qualified team
  • You have business experience and/or are wanting further meaningful experience for your resume in the field of HR, Finance, Business Administration, Governance, Facility Management, Project Management, or Systems Implementation.

We are looking for someone with event planning background for Director, Programs and Events, someone interested in organizing and records keeping for the Secretary role, as well as volunteers for the March 6 demolition of existing rink structures, and volunteers to join the 35th Anniversary event planning committee.

Please see more details and apply online at