Riverbend’s Key Things to Know About in June


Stay connected to all things Riverbend at www.riverbendcommunity.ca, and Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, @riverbendyyc

Community Clean-Up Day – Thank You!

We would like to thank all volunteers who signed up to support this event, as well as everyone who was able to clean out unnecessary items from our community. Despite a longer than usual line up (due to strict COVID-19 protocols), everyone was in great spirit and the weather also collaborated, it started raining right after the event wrapped up.

New 40km/h Speed Limit Took Effect on May 31

This change will affect the speed limit on both residential and collector roads in neighbourhoods. Many roads around Riverbend will be affected by this change. Check out street details on the following online map: maps.calgary.ca/NeighbourhoodSpeedLimits.

Join Us for the Pathway Painting Party on Saturday, June 5!

We are very excited to add some fun to our community pathways! We identified 10 locations around Riverbend and are looking for five volunteer teams (two to three people each) with a truck to paint colorful activity stencils on the pathways. All supplies will be provided. Each team will have about 90 minutes to paint five to six stencils in two locations. A great opportunity for some family weekend fun! Sign up online and read all details, including COVID-19 considerations, on our website at www.riverbendcommunity.ca.

Let’s Be Neighbourly and Spread Our Strong Community Spirits

Neighbour Day started in June 2014 to celebrate the incredible outpouring of support and generosity neighbours demonstrated after the 2013 floods. We want to continue to celebrate one of the things that makes Calgary such a great city – our strong and caring communities. This year, Neighbour Day takes place on Saturday, June 19. Check out our website at www.riverbendcommunity.ca for COVID-19 safe ideas and invitation templates that our volunteers put together specifically for Riverbend.

Kids Summer Soccer Program

We partnered with SD Serbia Sports Club Association and Calgary Minor Soccer Association to bring the Kids Summer Soccer Program back to Riverbend! The program focuses on soccer skills development, will be run by qualified CMSA coaches, and is available to kids age 5 to 15! Due to changing landscape with COVID-19 regulations, there may be a delay with the program starting, but we remain optimistic that it will be allowed to proceed.

Please check out all the details and register online at www.riverbendcommunity.ca.

18th Street Refresh Project Update

Thank you to everyone who responded to our letter and survey that were distributed to those whose fence backs onto 18th Street. We will be reaching out to all those interested in collaborating soon. In the meantime, we have a few small successes to share:

  • The City of Calgary crew has repaired the broken boards on the east side of 18th Street. Thanks to Evan Spencer from the Ward 12 office for accelerating this request.
  • We confirmed with Riverbend Hardware store that they have the Titanic Grey paint in stock. #Supportlocal.
  • We were finally able to reach Telus via Twitter and they committed to fixing and repainting their fence that is in a very bad shape.

We are currently engaging with Calgary Parks and Roads and will be strategizing on how best to tackle landscaping on 18th Street.

Please reach out to [email protected] if you have any ideas or want to be part of this discussion.

Support Our Local Businesses

Supporting our local businesses supports our community. It’s been encouraging to see businesses innovating their services to pull through this tough time. There are some easy things all of us can do to #supportlocal:

  • Purchase some gift cards for others to use later.
  • Order delivery or takeout from our local restaurants.
  • Post positive reviews online.
  • Spread the word about your positive experience.