Willow Ridge’s 2023 Volunteer of the Year


Each year, our community association selects one volunteer whose contributions go above and beyond to help our community thrive. This year, our Volunteer of the Year was nominated by several members of our rink crew for her exemplary leadership and the hundreds of hours of work contributed towards building and maintaining one of the best outdoor community rinks in Calgary. On behalf of our WRCA Board of Directors, staff, and members, we are happy to announce that Christy Linn is our 2023 Volunteer of the Year.

Christy helped lay down the initial floods to establish a good base for our two outdoor rinks. This involved hours of dragging heavy hoses, standing outside in subzero temperatures, often late at night, and often by herself. Once the rinks were established, they were flooded with Ollie (our ice resurfacer) a total of 433 times throughout the season. Christy did 148 of those floods!

She was also instrumental in the construction and maintenance of our new curling rinks, ensuring that our loaner equipment was kept in good condition, and keeping the Rink Room open, accessible, and clean all winter long! We could not have had such a successful outdoor season without the hundreds of hours of volunteer work she put in.

Congratulations, and thank you for setting an outstanding example of community service.

Jason Carling

WRCA Board President

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