Willow Ridge’s President’s Message: August 2019

WillowRidge pm

As we are preparing to move into our new facility, we are also preparing ourselves to meet the challenges of ensuring that our building, and your community association, is focused, engaged, and ready to meet the future.

To that end, I would like to announce the hiring of Craig Peers as your Community Association General Manager. Craig brings to WRCA great enthusiasm, financial acumen, and an entrepreneurial skillset. He understands our business, having served as our bookkeeper since early 2019, and I am confident that he will help your board members with their many portfolio duties and will ensure your association grows and thrives. Craig can be reached at [email protected], and I look forward to having you show up and welcome him in person at our September event.

One of Craig’s first tasks was to select and hire three summer employees, courtesy of a grant from the Canada Summer Jobs Program. This task was certainly not easy when we have no building, or even a temporary office, to meet, interview, hire, and house them! Our three summer hires, Athen, Ingo, and Omar, are all University students or recent graduates who are helping us with a number of initiatives, including Communication, Marketing, Membership, Funding, and Programming. I look forward to sharing and reporting on some of the really cool things that they will be working on in the coming weeks.

Speaking about cool things, we will be looking at all kinds of programming for you to try out in the coming months, for example, new to Willow Ridge is the Queens & Jacks Square Dance Club. Lessons will be taught every Monday evening, from September to April. Experienced dancers and new graduates dance to all types of modern music, every second and fourth Friday. So be ready, and look for ads on WRCA Website, Twitter, Facebook, and Community Announcements!

Once again, if you are ever interested in getting more involved than simply asking questions, we have, and will continue to have, plenty of opportunities for you to enjoy and contribute to the sense of community that we are trying to build and maintain. Our doors will soon be open to welcome you!

Don Boykiw, President

[email protected]