SCA’s April President’s Message

Strathcona pm
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It’s spring! We have had some warm weather in March, and although I love getting back into the garden, I was sad to see the ice rinks melt. A shout out to our rink volunteers who, during trying times, maintained the SCA’s ice surfaces so residents had a great venue for an outdoor activity. If you would like to be part of the rink crew, just contact the SCA office and we will add you to the list.

I have a lot to write about, and that makes me think that maybe we are starting to get ahead of COVID-19 – I sure hope so. Although at the time of writing this message, early in March, the SCA front doors remain closed, we do have some anticipated events and programs planned. On May 8, the SCA will host a garbage and recycling day. City garbage and compost trucks will be onsite, as well as a variety of other recycling opportunities to be announced. We are looking for a few volunteers to help direct traffic. Residents will be required to move their own recycling from their vehicles and deposit in the correct areas, so if you have a lot of stuff, bring along a sturdy back!

Karla Pollock and Kathy Underhill have both left the SCA Board, and we wish them all the best and thank them for their service to the community. On May 12, the SCA will have their AGM and we are looking for new Board Members. One of the positions that is open is VP, someone who has an interest in learning about operations at the SCA, and eventually taking on the position of President. We also welcome anyone who would like to join the Board as a ‘Director at Large’, that means you can join the Board and attend a few meetings until you settle on a role. The only real requirement for Board Members is that you attend the meetings every third Wednesday of the month, September to June. We would love to see someone from Christie join, as we currently have no Christie residents on the Board.

Please check the SCA’s website for-up-to date information including the 40th Anniversary Art Contest, summer and regular programming, and community information and links. The SCA has signed up with ‘Skip the Depot’ and you can sign up here to have your bottles picked up and the proceeds sent to the SCA: You will notice that the SCA has installed a second blue clothing bin outside of the hall. All donations collected result in a contribution to the SCA.

We are looking forward to beginning the renovation of the SCA’s tennis courts in May. The SCA is looking for resident support for this project. Check the website for the donation link. The partnership with Parks Foundation Calgary allows the SCA to accept donations for this project through Parks Foundation Calgary, and they will issue tax receipts. All donations must be made payable to Parks Foundation Calgary, link available on the SCA website:

The SCA is also actively pursuing a new grant, the Canada Healthy Communities Initiative Grant. We hope to include a permanent accessible pathway from the parking lot to the lower recreational spaces and basement level of the SCA building and want to resurface the rink with a suitable sport surface that will accommodate six to eight pickle ball courts, basketball hoops, and ice during the winter months. This is a big project that will significantly improve the SCA’s accessibility. The Grant encourages us to include letters from the community on how this project will benefit residents, your support is appreciated, and you can email letters to the SCA.

COVID-19 has made the past year difficult for the SCA, with the loss of revenue and our inability to invite residents into the building for events and programs. I want to revisit the vision and mission of the SCA, so we set a course into the future that will be relevant for residents. Our current vision and mission statements are:


The SCA CA’s vision is for a vibrant, healthy, safe, and caring community, which attracts and unites residents, businesses, facilities, and programs.


The SCA CA’s mission is to enhance neighbourhood life in Aspen, Christie, and Strathcona by creating and facilitating programs, services, and resources for our residents, visitors, and volunteers.

I welcome your thoughts about the SCA’s vision and mission statements – let’s work together setting the SCA’s path into the future.

Maureen Smith – SCA President

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