SCA’s December President’s Message

Strathcona pm

Not sure where the world will be this Christmas – as I write (November 9), countries are beginning to shut down again and new strains of COVID are being found. Enough, enough, already!

We may not be able to visit with extended family over the holidays, but I am looking forward to scaled-back celebrations. More emphasis on spending time with close family and friends (those in our bubbles), less shopping, a more relaxed holiday filled with books, movies, and board games. I will miss all the social gatherings but hopefully we will be able to meet more often online in our pajamas! This Christmas, maybe we are meant to rest up and prepare, not just to face a long winter, but to stomp out this crazy virus.

In particular, I will miss hosting the SCA’s Christmas Day Skate. I don’t want to encourage a large group of people to meet at the same time and place. Rest assured that the SCA rink volunteers will have our ice surfaces ready as soon as the weather allows, and I encourage residents to enjoy a skate over the holidays. We are always looking for volunteers to help with the rinks – just contact the SCA office and you will be added to the email group. Or show up with a shovel after it snows! In advance, I want to thank the rink volunteers – you are providing an important opportunity for recreation during a difficult time.

The SCA, at this time, is open and hosting programs (in-house and online) – check our website ( for more information. The front doors remain locked so we can maintain COVID protocols. If you need access, please contact the office to make an appointment.

The SCA remains committed to repairing the tennis courts this spring and want to thank Telus for partnering with us:

“The TELUS PureFibre team is excited to be partnering with the SCA Community Association, kicking things off in the spring of 2021, by sponsoring renovation and improvements to the facility’s pickleball and tennis courts. TELUS is busy building new fibre optic internet infrastructure in the community and we hope this renovation provides a great place for residents to come together and enjoy.”

Keep your fingers crossed that we are successful in our grant applications. The SCA team believes that providing the community with upgraded and safe court facilities is an important resource. The SCA is happy to consider advertising opportunities on the court fencing and rink boards, so if there is room in your advertising budget, please consider supporting your community outdoor recreational spaces.

By purchasing a new or renewing your SCA membership, you help support the rinks and tennis courts. The SCA may not be able to sponsor as many events in 2021 as we try to recover from a very difficult time, but I still believe your SCA memberships gives good value – it is an investment in your community.

I wish you all a safe holiday season, stay warm, stay close to those in your bubble, and keep faith that we will beat COVID-19 and emerge stronger than ever!


Maureen Smith

SCA President