January Notes From Braeside’s Operations Director

Braeside mb

Happy 2022, folks! It’s the start of a new year, and Braeside Community Association is so pleased to have exciting updates for you! Our facility still adheres to all safety measures from the AB Government and City of Calgary. And with that in mind, BCA activities are picking up as well. 2022 has a great return of many popular programs and events, including Essentrics Fitness, Seniors’ Fitness (now Tuesdays and Thursdays), Foundation Baptist Church, Karate, and Girl Guides. In addition, Taoist Tai Chi are back on Wednesdays, Fencing Calgary on Saturday mornings, and we have five fabulous music concerts with Chinook Music, from January to April. The BCA board is also hosting our Annual General Meeting on Tuesday, January 18, at 6:00 pm on Zoom. Please stay tuned for more details and keep a look out for communications from our team!

For more information contact 403-253-4232 or email [email protected].