May Updates and Opportunities at Braeside

Braeside cn

Dear community,

The Braeside Community Association has been (safely) working back towards increased community programs, special events, and more opportunities, abuzz with energy at your local community centre!

Programs You Can Join!

Please refer to our calendar page in this newsletter. Regular programming includes:

  • Sundays and Wednesdays: Foundation Baptist Church
  • Mondays: Essentrics Fitness (upstairs)
  • Mondays: Girl Guides Pathfinders (downstairs)
  • Tuesdays: Girl Guides Brownies, Sparks, Rangers
  • Tuesdays: Seniors’ Fitness (drop in, by donation)
  • Wednesdays: Fung Loy Kok Tai Chi (now back!)
  • Thursdays: Seniors’ Fitness (drop in)
  • Thursdays: All Canadian Karate
  • Saturdays: Fencing Calgary

New education Session by YWCA Calgary: Sign up for this excellent session on Women’s Economic Prosperity, including a wide range of financial topics and discussions, Saturday, May 7 from 1:00 to 2:30 pm. YWCA series are free of charge, open to all women from any community, and folks can register at [email protected].

Community Clean-Up

Do you have household items, clothing, or other things to purge? We’re pleased to announce that our Community Clean-Up, in partnership with the City of Calgary and other recycling/donation vendors, will be back on Saturday, August 13 from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. More details to come. Please contact us or check out our Facebook page for updates @braesidecalgary.

Looking for a Space for Your Next Event?

Our Upper Hall has had a fabulous renovation, with plenty of bright, open space for you to hold a function or event. Rentals have been picking up – from private meetings to fun public events (Bunny Yoga on May 6!) – and all are welcome to swing by for a visit and check out the space. Paul will be happy to take you on a tour, and the main office is open Mondays and Wednesdays from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm, and Fridays from 9:00 to 4:00 pm. Contact Paul at 403-253-4232 or [email protected].

Volunteers Needed to Join Our Board! Braeside’s Board of Directors Are Recruiting to Fill Key Positions on Our Board!

Secretary: Are you detail-oriented, skilled at being organized, and enjoy volunteering close-to-home? We need you!

Treasurer: Are you skilled with numbers, finances, and budgets? We need you!

Urban Planning: Do you care about neighbourhood development? Do you want to know more about City planning, and quality-of-life matters that affect our community? We need you!

The Braeside team is looking for passionate volunteers who can spare some extra time and give back to your local non-profit. Interested Braeside residents may contact:

Paul Meunier, Main Office:

[email protected]

Jen Burgess, Board President:

[email protected]
