Yoga at the Braeside Community Association

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The BCA is now offering two new programs for registered and non-registered members.

All Levels Gentle Yoga starts Monday, June 12 and will run for four weeks from 9:30 to 10:30 am. Gentle Yoga is a great way to slowly introduce yourself into the yoga world, or even a relaxing way to start the day. No experience is required, just bring a yoga mat!

Family Yoga is an excellent place for parents/caregivers to bring their little ones and practice in a more forgiving environment. Starting June 15 from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm, kids can follow along or watch. Parents/caregivers are encouraged to bring toys, snacks, and entertainment for their kiddos. Please note that childcare is not provided during Family Yoga practice.

Four-Week Sessions Start:

• Gentle Yin Yoga: June 12

• Family Yoga: June 15

$80 for registered community members and $100 for non-members. Please register in advance by emailing [email protected].

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