Canyon Meadows’ News from the Office for September


I can hardly believe that summer is behind us now. Time is marching on faster than ever.

July and August were busy months at the community centre. There was the very popular summer drop-in program that was planned, organized, and executed by Ocean and Sun, two of the summer students we hired through the Canada Summer Jobs Program. These two ladies planned weekly themed games, crafts, and activities that over 300 local kids participated in. CMCA was also given approval, through the Canada Summer Jobs Program, to hire a maintenance assistant. Aiden was kept very busy sprucing up the gardens – pulling weeds, trimming trees and bushes, re-painting, re-staining, cleaning, organizing in the garage, and helping Sun and Ocean with the drop-in program whenever they needed him. It was my pleasure to work with each one of our summer students, all of whom live in Canyon Meadows.

The annual Community Cleanup Day was held on Saturday July 22 – it was sunny and hot! This year, our volunteers loaded four packer trucks with garbage, filled a 40-yard bin (to maximum capacity) with scrap metal, and carried over 1,500 pounds of electronic recycling. High fives and much gratitude to the following amazing folks who made our cleanup day happen.

Jake, Tom, Stephanie, Johanne, Graham, Anna, Charles, Brynn, Luke, and Garth, I couldn’t do it without you! Also, I want to give a shoutout to our local Circle K store (Canterbury Dr and Canyon Meadows Dr), a CMCA Business Partner, whose store manager, Jagdeep, and his employee, Gurtej, volunteered all morning unloading vehicles, then returned with a flat of cold water for all the volunteers still working! This amazing service day wouldn’t happen without the support, equipment, and manpower from the City of Calgary Waste and Recycling Services together with Community Strategies. Thank you for helping keep our communities clean!

September brings more exciting events to the community centre for our members. Mark your calendar and plan to attend the Annual General Meeting of the CMCA. Please join us on Thursday, September 28 at 7:00 pm in the Lloyd Hand Hall for a review of the past year’s accomplishments and financials and what is in store for the upcoming year. It will be followed as always by some social time and light refreshments.

Stampede in September is coming back. This annual community party is set to kick off on Sunday, September 10 from 4:00 to 7:00 pm. There will be tons of activities, games, music, a beer garden, and BBQ dinner. You can pre-order your dinner tickets and Stampede Bucks online through our website. Please visit for all the details. See you at the party!

The fifth Annual Christmas Craft Market is happening on Saturday, November 18 from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. This year, the sale will be held in both community halls to allow for additional vendors. If you are interested in renting a table for this event, please email [email protected] to register. More details to follow in next month’s newsletter or check our website.

Until next month,


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