Impressions From Two Canyon Meadows Community Association Summer Students


What are summer students? What do we do around the CMCA? Why be a summer student? Well, summer students are employed by the CMCA through the Canada Summer Jobs Program for a variety of positions. The goal of this program is to provide students with opportunities to gain work experience and explore different career paths. At the CMCA, we have two program coordinators who run a kids’ drop-in program and plan community-wide events, and a student doing facility maintenance. While we were initially more interested in the financial benefits of summer-time employment, being CMCA summer students has proved to be a much more meaningful experience to us.

As a CMCA summer student, especially as a program coordinator, every day is a new adventure with its own unique difficulties. For this reason, being a summer student is one of the most rewarding and challenging things I have ever done. It is a continuous learning experience which has allowed me to grow both personally and professionally. First and foremost, my time as a summer student has helped me to connect and get involved with my community in ways that I would not have been able to otherwise. As a young professional, I gained invaluable skills such as flexibility, adaptability, and conflict mediation, which have also been useful in my everyday life. All in all, being a CMCA summer student has been a fantastic way to spend my summer and I would do it all over again!

Ocean Burland

My summer job running a kids’ day camp was a whirlwind of excitement, learning, and cherished moments. Spending time with young children has taught me patience, kindness, and understanding. I’ve learned when to get involved and when to let the kids learn from their mistakes. I’ve learned how to set and enforce boundaries, and how to foster a respectful and forgiving environment. I’ve wiped tears and blood, applied band aids and given hugs. Working with these kids has truly been a rewarding experience and has shaped me into a more thoughtful person. The planning required to run the kids’ drop-in has helped me develop organization, budgeting, and time management skills. With this summer job, I’ve been able to connect with members of my community and expand my knowledge of the community. Even though it’s only been two months, I feel as though I’ve gained valuable life experience and wisdom. This has undoubtedly been such an enlightening experience and I’ve enjoyed every minute of it.

Sun Bhachu

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