Cedarbrae’s President’s Message for October

SW Community

by Martin Waugh

The Community Centre has been closed since mid-March, but our Board of Directors, staff, and volunteers have been working on reopening plans. These plans are centered upon reopening in a limited manner on October 5, 2020, with appropriate healthcare protocols being in place for the protection of everyone. Such protocols may vary depending upon the nature of the activity or function. Anyone participating in an activity or function at the Centre is asked to be aware and comply with such protocols as posted. The activity or function leader will be responsible for conveying and compliance with all Centre rules and AHS mandates.

If you are interested in renting space in the Centre for an activity (repeating or one-off), or for a function such as a meeting or celebration, please call our Office Administrator, Kathy Zabaneh, at 403-251-2101. Kathy can discuss availability, costs, and can provide guidance regarding necessary protocols.

Please mark Wednesday, November 18, at 7:30 pm in your calendar for our Annual General Meeting at the Centre. All public are welcome to attend, but only current Community Association members are entitled to cast a vote. Please call Kathy in the office to purchase your annual membership at a very reasonable cost. Thank you.