CKE’s June President’s Message


Hi neighbours,

I hope you are all doing well these days. As of now, the Community Centre falls under Phase 3 in the Province’s COVID-19 Relaunch Strategy, meaning it will remain closed until at least September. The Board has been closely monitoring the budget to ensure we can withstand an even lengthier closure.

It’s been tough to see things like Heritage Soccer having to cancel. Thanks to all of the volunteers who had things ready to go and to those who donated their fees back to the Community; this helped to pay some of the unmitigated costs. Despite the cancellation of this and other community events, it’s encouraging to see community initiatives that help boost morale and show appreciation and support to those impacted most by this crisis.

We had record-breaking flower sales this year with our annual CKE Flower Fundraiser. Thanks to Robin Daigle and Dawn Messer for their efforts in selling over $24,000 worth of flowers for a profit of over $6,500. Amazing work! We also had a great result with our bottle drive on May 9, and a number of community members contributed to the Calgary Food Bank Drive on April 3. I guess we’ve all been pretty busy this spring.

The AGM has been postponed to the fall; a date will be announced once we have a better understanding on when we’ll be able to hold it safely. Some Board members will be finishing their terms in June, and though we do have some new members joining we could still use a couple more volunteers. If you are interested, please reach out.

Enjoy the weather and be safe!

Merritt Ranseth

CKE CA President