CKE’s President’s Message for November


Happy November!

Wow, I can’t believe it is November already. It’s starting to feel more like winter as the days get colder and shorter.

October was a great month for the CKE Community, where we had some great events and new updates in the CKE Hall. If you made it out to the Halloween parade, I hope you and your kids had a great time. We have the indoor basketball hoop installed in the CKE gym, we are very excited for this new addition, and we hope our members will get great use out of it. Also, if anyone is interested, we are looking for someone to run a basketball program, please reach out to [email protected].

We will be getting the rinks up and running as soon as the weather permits. This year we were able to get funding to have new nets installed! These nets will protect the community hall from potential puck damage, protect skaters on the smaller rink from errant pucks, and protect general public standing or sitting near the rinks from pucks. If there is anyone looking to join the Rink Rats this year, they can reach out to Tony Messer at [email protected].

We are taking registrations for 2022 CKE Memberships. The CKE Community Association is proud to offer an amazing Community Centre, programs, activities, services, and hall facilities for both community members and neighbouring residents. To take advantage of these services, a community membership is required. To read more about the benefits, pricing, and registration, please visit our website at

Coming up on Saturday, December 11, we have our Toy and Foodbank drive so please look out for more info on the amazing fundraising opportunity or send us an email at [email protected]!

Also, a reminder that our CKE Community Hall is a fabulous place to host events! It can accommodate corporate events, birthday parties, weddings, anniversaries, social events and more! It is available for rent on an hourly or daily rate, so please get in touch with Jen at [email protected] if this interests you.

If anyone wants to chat at any time, please feel free to reach out via email at [email protected].