Discovery Ridge Homeowners’ Association News for July

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Throughout the summer, you will see ULS on site working to maintain our green spaces and medians, as well as implementing board-approved landscaping improvements at various locations in Discovery Ridge. News updates will be posted to our website over the summer for you to follow.

The NDHA requires ULS to ensure the safety of their staff by adhering to all occupational health and safety protocols, including appropriate safety barriers, pylons, and signage when crews are working in roadway areas. Please slow down and respect this need for personal safety. Working in the medians with cars whizzing by is stressful and dangerous; be reminded that ULS is here to make our community beautiful. Please give them a “brake”!

If you have questions or concerns about ULS, contact the NDHA so we can be made aware of any issues. Please do not engage with ULS crews directly. Abuse of their staff is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.

NDHA-Funded and Managed Large Projects for This Summer:

• Mulch Program – Mulch will be added to all shrub beds in Phase 1 and 2 (to the left and right of the roundabout), the roundabout, the four corners at the roundabout, and to the entirety of the medians between the roundabout and Cornerstone Square. These areas last had mulch in 2016/17. Mulch helps to conserve soil moisture and mitigate weed proliferation. Most of this project will be completed in June.

• Re-design of the median “nose” landscaping in front of the roundabout to create better sightlines for pedestrian visibility in the crosswalk area. This will also improve vehicle visibility within the roundabout. Additional mitigation has been done near other crosswalks along Discovery Ridge Boulevard. Completed in June.

• Replacement of three dead trees in TUC median at our entrance. As part of our agreement with Alberta Transportation, the trees within the TUC boundary at our entrance are the NDHA’s to maintain. The dead ones were replaced in early June.

• Asphalt repair in the NDHA-owned greenspace between DR Court and DR Gate, as well as 68m of path extending from DR Gate behind DR View/Rise. A new lift of asphalt was applied to mitigate damage caused by tree roots, freeze/thaw cracks, and edge disintegration. All created a trip hazard and made snow clearing difficult due to the uneven surfaces. This project was completed in late April.

The community will also see ULS carrying out remediation work in many other locations over the summer, including many plant replacements in the medians where gaps exist. Our budget will guide the number of shrubs we can plant, so we will do our best to fill in the most obvious gaps first. The early and extended heatwave of this year is hard on new foliage; our median watering program will help, but if you see a shrub bed struggling in the greenspace or park near your home, please don’t hesitate to water it, as the ULS truck cannot enter park spaces. Thank you!

Project Update

Last March, the NDHA requested approval from the City to remove and replace the dead and dying shrubbery in the switchback portion of the pathway below Griffith Pond. This project was denied in February 2023. The City has identified these shrub beds as being within a “natural space” boundary, which means that only City Parks crews can work in it. Our agreement with the City does not allow the NDHA to work in natural spaces. The City also identified this location as being a significant liability issue for the NDHA, due to the proximity of the water body. The NDHA can no longer tend to the landscaping of these shrub beds. Snow removal on the pathway can continue, however. Any concerns for the condition of the landscaping in this switchback pathway area should be directed to 311. We continue to work with the City in hope that they will upgrade the space.


Do you have questions about fences? Trees? A City right-of-way? RV and trailer parking? Snow removal? What is the difference between NDHA and DRCA? The NDHA has created a fabulous FAQ section on our website for you to reference as a homeowner! Please visit our website: at

Outstanding Fees

The 2022 NDHA fee of $325 was due on June 29. We would like to thank our members who have paid their fees on time, and ask that those who have not, please remit immediately. If you are unsure of your payment status, please access your membership portal on our website. If you have questions or concerns, you may contact the NDHA treasurer at [email protected] or our membership director at [email protected]. Please reference your property address.

We are quite proud of how our community looks and hope you are as well. If you happen to notice an area that might need attention such as a bed being missed or damage incurred due to storms or other factors, please let the NDHA know. We are always happy to hear from our members; please access our website at to send an email or call us at 403-237-9595.

Have a wonderful July! Safe travels to all!

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