Discovery Ridge’s Recreation Update for May

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Welcome to spring in Discovery Ridge! With a change in the seasons, we shift our focus from hockey and skating to tennis, pickleball, and other outdoor activities. A big thank-you once again to our fantastic ice rink volunteers who worked tirelessly this past winter to prepare and maintain our rinks. If you or your family enjoy the rinks, please consider volunteering to help as our rinks can only operate if we have enough community residents step up.

We would also like to ask all facility users to please be considerate when using the facilities and clean up after enjoying the amenities. We are entirely volunteer-based and unfortunately, a few volunteers are left to clean up garbage that is carelessly discarded around the rink and area.

We are pleased to advise that with use of casino funds we will be enhancing our tennis courts this year with the addition of state-of-the-art lighting. Work is expected to be completed later in the spring and will allow play to extend as weather permits into fall evenings. Lights will be on timers to ensure a reasonable cut-off time daily in consideration of adjacent residents.

Our two pickleball courts will be open for use on the hockey rink by the time you read; we encourage residents to try the fastest growing sport in North America!

The DRCA board continues to explore additional facility enhancements as funding becomes available.

Lastly, please ensure that each residence purchases an annual DRCA membership for only $25. Please visit the DRCA at These funds (distinct from the homeowners’ association annual fees) are needed to maintain our facilities and are a very small price to pay for access to our first class amenities.

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