Eau Claire’s President’s Report for October

EauClaire pm

Your Board of Directors spend a lot of time talking to different representatives from the City to learn about their plans for development in the area, and to inform them of neighbourhood considerations and concerns. The following are the large, multi-year projects for which we have been and will continue to provide our local input. If you want to have your say in this, please consider joining our Board.

Plaza Redevelopment

  • How the revised design of the playground will affect homes
  • The relocation of the Bow River Lumber Company historic Building
  • The Eau Claire Experience

Green Line LRT

  • Construction impacts
  • Business impacts
  • How the final product will affect the neighbourhood

3rd Avenue Walking and Wheeling Project

  • Permanently improved curbs for mobility access
  • Temporary (until 2023) one-way zones on each end
  • Bike lanes which are currently being called temporary but for which some people are advocating permanence

Review of Multiple Development Projects

ECCA reviews all of the Development Permits in the area, from large towers to small patio extensions and provides our comments to the City. Some we have looked at in the past year include:

  • Graywood Eau Claire – new apartment building at 727 – 1st Avenue SW
  • Kings on 4th – proposal for a large mixed-use tower at the NE corner of 4th Avenue and 5th Street
  • Increased patio sizes at 201 Barclay Parade SW, 738 – 3rd Ave SW and 111 – 2nd Street SW; temporary outdoor café at 26 Prince’s Island PA SW

Greater Downtown Plan

The City recognizes the importance of downtown and has developed an overall strategy that involves Downtown Core, Downtown West, Eau Claire, Chinatown, East Village, and Beltline. ECCA sits on this committee to ensure that our unique concerns are expressed.

Community Boundaries

The new Downtown Core Community Association has claimed boundaries that significantly reduce the areas of both the and the Downtown West Community Association and Eau Claire Community Association (by 31.5%).

Graffiti, Scooters and Noise Complaints

ECCA hears residents’ complaints and does our best to amplify them to the City.

Community Building

COVID-19 restrictions have eliminated our opportunities to provide social events that are aimed at getting individuals out of their towers and mingling with their neighbours. This is an extremely important part of our mandate and one of our Board members continues to champion various events, and apply for any available grants for them, even though we must keep postponing them. We’re all eager for the day we’ll be able to plan events and see our neighbours again.