Eau Claire’s September President’s Message

EauClaire pm

I got a pleasant surprise the other day when I went to my mailbox and found a real, printed, hard copy of the August issue of the Eau Claire Current. As readers know, for the last few months, our publisher, Great News Media, has only been able to provide this newsletter as a virtual version, as the COVID situation seriously cut back their advertising business. We hadn’t anticipated that they would be going back to hard copy this soon. It was great to see, and hopefully this is a harbinger of a world and a community returning to normal.

Hard copy made it all the easier to enjoy the colourful photographs of our neighbourhood contributed by Nicole Collard as well.

I’m not sure about other Eau Claire condos, but we seem to have noticed a few more minor security incidents in the vicinity in the last little while. Just to be sure, I asked our Eau Claire Community Resource Officer with the Calgary Police Service, Constable Jessica Ward, if there were any concerning trends we should be alert to.

Her advice was that there isn’t much need for alarm, even as COVID has definitely changed behaviours in some areas. Drastically reduced positive foot traffic downtown has made it easier for some people to engage in socially disruptive behaviour, and the City is trying to adjust to a new normal. But fortunately, she reports, Eau Claire has been bustling, with the pathways and parks very busy – as I’m sure anyone using them this summer has noticed.

The best action she recommends is continued vigilance by residents and building staff as the best deterrent. In the meantime, if anyone would like further information, she welcomes your questions at [email protected].

And finally, I hope readers are keeping the date, September 24, reserved for the Eau Claire Community Association Annual General Meeting. I’m afraid as I write this that this is still a tentative date, because of the uncertain situation with the coronavirus, but we’re still planning for it. Assuming we can go ahead, I’ll look forward to seeing many of you there as we give you an update of developments in your community.

In the meantime, enjoy the rest of the summer and stay healthy.