Evergreen’s President’s Message for September

Evergreen cn

Hello Residents!

Summer has come to an end, and we hope you all had good times with families and friends. Below is a summary of our team’s activities. Please also check our website, www.myceca.ca, for details and updates:


Yoga and Zumba: We ran free yoga and Zumba in the park programs. Both programs were huge successes. Families gathered together and had fantastic times.

Community Cleanup: The Community Cleanup is scheduled for Saturday, September 9 from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm at Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Church’s parking lot. The church is located at the corner of James McKevitt Blvd and Everstone Blvd SW.

Seniors’ Programs: Senior’s Hobnob, Seniors’ Gold Zumba, and computer classes for seniors are back.

Monthly Board Meeting: Taking place on the second Thursday of the month via Google Meet. If you would like to join us for one of the virtual meetings, please feel free to contact us and we will send you the invite.

Volunteering: We are always looking for new volunteers either on the board or occasionally to help us in running our programs and events. Please email our volunteer director at [email protected] if you would like information on how to become a board member or help us in one of our events.

Membership: A friendly reminder to purchase or renew your memberships as the proceeds from the membership sales help CECA in running programs and events for you and your families.

Contact us if you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions. Reach out anytime on our Facebook page or email me directly at [email protected].

Thank you again!

Mohamd Sltan

President, Calgary Evergreen Community Association (CECA)

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