Glenbrook President’s Message – September

Presidents Message Glenbrook

Hello Glenbrook,

I hope everyone has had a great summer. September has returned, and this summer was one of the busiest ever for our hall and facilities. For four of the possible nine weeks available for the summer, the hall was booked for summer events. We saw everything from a week-long yoga session, to our annual soccer camp, put on by Soccer Without Boundaries. I look forward to adding even more events and opportunities for the community next year. Not to worry, we will be advertising well in advance for all events. We are quite lucky to currently have a strong board with members that are very dedicated to ensuring that work continues behind the scenes. However, we always need new volunteers to help out with our existing and new events. If you have considered volunteering in your community, I encourage you to reach out now. Whatever your interests are, we can find you a spot that fits your schedule and skills. We understand that most people may not be interested in sitting in at our monthly meetings, but we do need to develop a list of Glenbrook volunteers that are willing to help us with our events and programs, such as our Canada Day event, Sports Day, teaching kids to skate at our winter skating parties, our casino, and our ESL (English as a Second Language) program. If you are interested, send us a quick email to [email protected], and one of us will get back to you and find the best fit for you. Glenbrook residents may also enlist our help to turn ideas for new community programs into reality. For example, if you are passionate about basketball and would like to start a league to play at our new courts, the resources and support of our board are available to assist you in getting it started.

In the spring of this year, we moved our community cleanup date to May 5th. Our cleanup program was done with the cooperation of the adjacent community of Glamorgan. Both communities had always had individual cleanup dates in September, often on the same weekend, if not the same day. This fall, we decided to split up the dates, and offer both communities a cleanup date separate from one another; one in the spring and one in the fall. Glamorgan’s community cleanup will be held on Sunday, September 23rd, from 9 AM to 2PM, at their community centre located at 4207 41 Ave SW. Please remember that it is illegal to drop anything off outside of these hours on the day of the cleanup. In the past, there has been a problem with people dumping items too early or late on these days, and as such, Calgary Bylaw will be paying extra close attention to the community on cleanup day.

The Glenbrook Outdoor Sport Facility continues to see plenty of use. It is free to use for our residents, and continues to be a model for other Calgary communities to offer. If you have not yet made it out to try the new facility, I encourage you to visit it this fall. The lights are on in the evening, and the courts are open until 10 PM each night.

Lastly, may I remind you that your 2018/19 Glenbrook Community Membership is now due. You can renew/purchase your membership by mailing the form found in this newsletter, along with a cheque, to the community association. Membership can also be purchased at any of our events. The nearest upcoming chance is our AGM, on October 4th at 7 PM. This will be an important meeting, as we will be changing the existing Glenbrook bylaws and setting our upcoming budget. I hope to see you all there.

You can always reach me by email at [email protected], or call/text me at 403-616-4644.

Please remember to watch your speed when driving through the neighbourhood as we enjoy the early fall weather.

Take care,

Murray Ost, President