Glenbrook’s April President’s Message


Happy Spring Glenbrook!

The season always brings with it a sense of renewal. It is when we start to spend more time outdoors and reconnect with our neighbours. The Easter holiday comes earlier this year than last, but we can still look forward to warmer temperatures over the break from work, and school for our children. April is also the start of street cleaning in Calgary, so watch for the signs throughout the neighbourhood, or call 311 for more information.

There is plenty going on around Glenbrook this spring. We are now accepting nominations for our two community awards, which we first introduced last year. The first is the Glenbrook Lifetime Member Award, given to a deserving Glenbrook resident with more than 15 years of dedicated volunteer service to our community. The second is the Glenbrook Partnership Award, given to a business or group with over 10 years of work contributing to life in Glenbrook. The winners will again be announced at our AGM in October. Nomination forms are available at Glenbrook Hall or by request to [email protected]. Also, Glenbrook’s annual Community Clean-Up is scheduled for Sunday, June 7. More details will be included in May’s newsletter. For further information, you can always send me an email at [email protected].

As always, remember that playground and school speed zones now run until 9:00 pm each night. Now that we have switched to daylight saving time and the weather is improving, our residents are out much later into the evenings. Please drive safe on our streets, and throughout your travels in Calgary.

Take care,

Murray Ost

