Glenbrook’s December President’s Message


Hello Glenbrook!

Firstly, I’m happy to report we had a great turn out for our Annual General Meeting last month. A huge congratulations to all the winners of our Lifetime Member and Community Partnership awards!

With Christmas and the holiday season just around the corner, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your family all the best. As we know, winter can be challenging for all of us living in Calgary. Please take a moment to watch for some of our neighbours that might struggle more than most. A friendly gesture on your behalf would be to help a neighbour shovel their walk or driveway, or even as simple as helping someone carry items to their vehicle when parking lots become icy. If you know someone that regularly helps a neighbour out with shovelling their walk, nominate them to be a Snow Angel by calling 311.

Our outdoor rink will be open soon, so watch for this as our volunteers work away at getting the ice ready for everyone. I hope to see you at one of our skating parties planned for this winter.

Please pay special attention in playground and school zones, especially as our days are getting shorter, and pedestrians, particularly children, are not as easy to see. At the end of the day, we want to see everyone home safe for the holidays.

All the best,

Murray Ost


[email protected], 403-616-4644