Glenbrook’s February President’s Message


Hello Glenbrook,

As we move into February, the winter months will soon be coming to an end, and hopefully, it will not be long before we can start thinking about spring. As we look forward to warmer temperatures, I’d like to take the opportunity to thank our ice rink volunteers, that have been working hard to keep the rinks open all winter. Besides all working full-time jobs, they give up their time to make, maintain, clean, and repair the ice for everyone to use. Thanks to them for volunteering this season, and a special thanks to Brad Warne for stepping up as our lead ice worker.

Speaking of the rinks, our Annual Family Skating Party is still happening this year, although the date has changed a few times as we worked to find a suitable one. For 2020, the skating party has been set back to Sunday, March 1, from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm. We will once again have free skate and helmet rentals available, along with snacks and refreshments for everyone. After last year’s cancellation due to the weather, we are looking forward to an afternoon of outdoor family fun.

Glenbrook volunteers will be at work this month helping out with our casino, taking place this February at Cash Casino on Blackfoot Trail. For this fundraiser, we need as many volunteers from our community as possible. The shifts we need to fill are going to require some late nights from our volunteers, but the funds we raise from our casinos are essential to the continued operation of Glenbrook Community Association programs and facilities. We host our casino on Family Day weekend, Sunday, February 16 and Monday, February 17, and more information is included inside the newsletter. If you want to help out, give me a call or text.

All the best,

Murray Ost, President

[email protected]
