Glendale Message from the Board – December

Development and redevelopment are facts of life in Calgary, including in established communities such as Glendale. We all strive to maintain, renovate and upgrade our Glendale properties, just as the community as a whole continues its metamorphosis. Change we can influence is always better than change forced upon us and to that end, we have engaged with the Faculty of Environmental Design at the University of Calgary to help us develop our own community redevelopment plan.

Under the guidance of Assistant Prof. Francisco Alaniz Uribe, Masters students will be analyzing three area neighbourhoods; Glendale, Westgate and Rosscarrock to see what the development opportunities and pressures are for our communities, particularly along the 17th Avenue SW corridor. Look for notice of an upcoming Open House in early January about the launch of this study and new development proposals expected at the city planning department.

  •  The annual Glendale Family Halloween Dance was another highlight this year! Community members came dressed as dinosaurs, minions and even Tigger and his crew were dancing. Thank you all who came and enjoyed the night. A big thank you to the volunteers who help ensure the success of the dance: Jennelle, Kendra, Monika, Amanda, Meagan, Cameron, Neslihan, Hasin, Laura and Asmeret.
  • Did you know that Glendale has a new online membership system? Co-ordinated by Monika Smith, the system is completely automated. Glendale residents can simply go online to to register as a community member. You will be first to know about all of our community events and programs!
  • The upgrades continue at the hall with new tables arriving for renters and hall users. Book your community function now with Jennelle at [email protected].
  • We have a new captain in charge of our electronic community sign on 45th Street as well. If you have a short community message you’d like to broadcast to your neighbours, send a note to Mary Lynne at [email protected].
  • Glendale residents can take comfort in the fact we live in a very low-crime neighbourhood. Community policing liaison Cst. MacIntosh reports there were no house break-ins or car thefts in October and only two car prowlings that were reported. Calgary Police Service has many avenues to report crime including:
  1. Call 911 for emergencies or crimes in progress
  2. Call 403-266-1234 for non-emergencies
  3. Call 311 to report graffiti

You may also report many incidents online at, including:

  1. Damage to Property;
  2. Damage to Vehicle;
  3. Lost Property (excluding government identification);
  4. Theft of Property.
  5. Theft from Vehicle.
  6. Car prowling (The act of entering a vehicle with the intent to steal property, but no property is stolen nor any damage incurred).
  7. Telephone / Email Scams