Glendale News Board for June

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Cleaning Up Glendale

The Glendale Community Association, in partnership with The City of Calgary, hosted a Community Cleanup on Sunday, April 23. Calgarians were able to dispose of items that did not fit into their regular bins.

We had many helping hands to make the event a success! Thank you to: Terry Craigmile, Nathaniel Schmidt, Heather Barton, Loretta Gotmy, Treena Elliott, Chris Digler, Rick and Kathy Schmidt, Laura Nixon, Geneva Claesson, Jonas Claesson, Oscar Claesson, Robert and Jennifer Palmer, Wendy Abma, Frank Van der Voet, Robin Jessee, Liz Lunney, and everyone else who helped make this day such a success!

If you missed Glendale’s Cleanup day, there are other similar events taking place across the city. For more information, visit

Outside of the Community Cleanup day in April, a kind young Glendale resident, Romy Duncan, took the initiative to organize a cleanup of the St. Thomas Aquinas Park and school grounds. Accompanied by several other local children, Romy and her crew did an excellent job removing litter and setting a great example for other young people in our community. Thank you to Romy and her helpers.

Romy Duncan (white headband, pink basket) and her crew of helpers cleaning up the St. Thomas Aquinas Park and school grounds.

Speed Limit Reminder

A reminder that the speed limit on 45 street has changed. It is now 40km between 17 Ave and Richmond Road, unless you’re in a school/playground zone and then it goes down to 30km. Please help keep our roads safe by following posted speed limits throughout our community.

Glendale Community Association Pancake Breakfast – Call for Volunteers

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and then the flooding of our community hall, we have been unable to host our annual Glendale Community Association Pancake Breakfast for a number of years. While construction is still happening in our hall, we are optimistic that this year will mark the return of this annual event. We have circled July 15 as the date for our pancake breakfast, but need volunteers to help out in order to make this event the great success that it always is. So, if you can help flip pancakes or do other tasks, please visit to sign up or follow the below QR code. Thank you in advance to all of those who can help out!

Click here to the Glendale Community News home page for the latest Glendale community updates.